Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Here we go!

At the ultrasound today, I had over 30 measurable follicles. So many that they stopped counting. My E2 level was over 5200, so I'm ready. 

I got the call. I trigger tonight at midnight. I have to set my alarm, drag my sleeping butt out of bed, mix up a shot and give it to myself. The shot is HGC, which is actually a pregnancy hormone. This shot will make each follicle release it's egg in 36 hours. 

The egg retrieval is set for Friday 4/11 at 12:00. I can't eat for 6 hours prior, so Friday morning Marsha will definitely make an appearance. (Marsha is the name of my alter ego when I'm so hungry I'm a bitch). 

That puts the embryo transfer on 4/16!  In one week, I could be knocked up!!!

Right now, our main focus is avoiding OHSS, which is ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome. "OHSS is an exaggerated response to the use of ovulation inducing medications. Women with OHSS have an increase in fluid leaking from the blood capillaries causing symptoms that range from bloating to nausea to swelling of the abdomen. On rare occasions, women have to be hospitalized when symptoms are more severe. OHSS is most common in women who are having IVF when serum estradiol levels are high (often >2500 pg/ml). It is most likely to develop when a large number of ovarian follicles (immature eggs) have developed." Thanks! 

Since my E2 is above 5000, we've gotta watch it. The best thing is to drink lots of electrolytes (Where's the Brawndo when I need it? Mad props for getting that reference!). So, we are off to Walmart to get some Pedialite and whey protein. 

I will be sure to update on Friday with an egg count and Saturday with a fertilization count. 

All your thoughts, prayers and sticky-ness is appreciated more than you'll ever know!

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