I am currently in the hell affectionately known as the 2 week wait. For women trying to conceive, this is the time between ovulation and your (hopefully) missed period. For fertility patients, it's the time between your treatment and your answer. It's the Longest. Time. Ever.
During the 2ww, I analyze everything in my body. If I burp, was it the soda or pregnancy? I had a dream last night that had a purple cow wearing ballet slippers in it...dream or pregnancy dream? I have to pee 40 times a day...is it the pregnancy flushing out my system, or is it the 40 cups of liquid I drank? I'm tired at 8:00pm on a Saturday. Is it because I'm pregnant, or because I'm curled up on the comfy couch with my BSU Snuggie, my husband, a warm fire and a good book?
One of the worst tortures of the 2ww is that early pregnancy symptoms mimic pre-menstrual symptoms. Some women get weight gain & bloating. Some get spotting from implantation. Some get cramps from implantation. Some notice their boobs feel bigger, sorer and are veiny-er. These can all be signs of pregnancy. These can all be signs of the doom that is the period. These are also all side-effects of Progesterone supplementation, something that anyone doing fertility treatments is required to do until a negative test.
The truth is, it is way too early to know at all. If I am pregnant, the hormones being created by the baby and my body are so minimal, it wouldn't change anything. Definitely not anything noticeable to the naked eye.
So we wait. And analyze. And over-think. And burp because we can always blame it on the pregnancy.
Dave and I have our fingers crossed for both of you. I KNOW THE WAITING IS A KILLER!