Today marks the start of Daily Ultrasounds. Meet my friend, the Violator:
I go in each morning and get "violated" by Kim, the ultra-nice U/S tech, who did not want her picture taken. She measures my uterine lining, as well as the size of each ovary and each follicle in each ovary.
My lining was 12mm thick!! This is amazingly good, as with the past procedures, I've been a 7 at the most. Keith said, "I know this is good, but why?" This is good because that is a nice, thick, warm spot for the little embabies to nuzzle into for 9 months.
So, this is my right ovary:
She is currently holding about 16 follicles. The leader of the pack is about 16mm, and then another 16mm and a 14mm. They want the follies to be about 18 to 20mm, and they grow about 2mm per day. So, righty is in the game, but not working nearly as hard as:
Lefty!! Left has about 22 follicles. The lead is already 20mm. Then we have 2 18mm's a 17mm and a few 16mm.
They decided to do another blood test today to see how my Estrodiol (E2) levels are. My level is currently at 1845, which is perfect. It means I'm not hyperstimulated. So, we're going to do the Lupron only tomorrow to supress ovulation. No stims tomorrow. I go in for another u/s tomorrow morning at 8:45. At that time, they are hoping that some more follicles on the right have grown. She's almost positive that I'll do the trigger shot tomorrow night, which will make the retrieval date for Thursday!
Woohoo! Moving right along! My uterus was never that cushy, sounds like things are really looking good :)