Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

Here's a picture of my morning ritual for the next 2 weeks. 

The large vial with the small (orange) syringe is the Lupron.  The vial with the green top is the solution that mixes the other 3 vials, which are powder.  Those are the Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH).  The little cap is what actually helps mix them all.  The small peach pill is my aspirin. This helps keep me from clotting, but also causes bruising from the shots about every 4th shot.  The white pill is the Metformin and the MASSIVE purple pill is my pre-natal.  We had to look twice at the bottle to make sure it wasn't a suppository!! 
Keith is having fun being the chemist.  With my supervision, he mixed all three FSH vials into one shot.  It took him a bit to get the hang of it, but he'll have it mastered tomorrow morning.  Since he's still too squeamish to do the shots for me, this is his way to be involved. 


  1. I think I was on the same prenatal. And I had the exact same thought!

  2. Thanks for posting on my blog today, it was so sweet! I really appreciated it. I am so glad to see you have your own blog as well, it has really carried me through the tough times.

    I will follow along with you as well. I used to take that Prenatal too, but switched recently. At least it doesn't give too much stomach upset, once it's down! I will say that for it!

  3. looks like your breakfast is getting smaller! That is good!! Hope you are feeling good!!!!
