Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Start the Shots

Yesterday was our first shot class.  We just went over the Lupron instructions, and the nurse made sure I knew the dose to do.  We turned in all our consent forms and made sure they were paid in full.  This is really it!! 
I did my first Lupron shot yesterday.  It is a tiny little insulin needle, so I barely felt a thing.  Afterwards, my stomach itched for about an hour.  I told K it is my “instant itch injection”.  I haven’t felt a ‘side-effect’ as of yet, so fingers crossed it will stay that way.    K is trying to get up his nerve to do the shots for me.  Not that I mind doing them, but he really wants to be as involved as possible.  I told him that we will practice on an orange tonight so he could get the hang of it.  I figure he can’t do too much damage with an insulin needle. 
We also both started the Doxycycline yesterday.  That is just an anti-biotic that we’ll be on for 10 days to make sure that we don’t pass anything back & forth between us.  I started my baby aspirin yesterday as well. 
I go see Scott, the acupuncturist, again today.  I don’t really feel any different from the last visit.  I am getting to sleep without my sleeping pills, which is an improvement, but it is a very light, restless sleep and I wake up quite often, and that’s a new development.  I guess we’ll see what he has to say.  I really like him and am so positive about his help in this whole process.
K is seeing him, too, for the first time today.  He finally relented and decided to see if he can do anything about his back pain.  It will be interesting to see how he does, seeing he has a fear of needles.
Below is a picture of my “breakfast” for the next 10 days.  Lupron, birth control, Metformin, Pre-natal, Doxycycline & baby aspirin.  Yummy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it's going well so far!!!! GO KEITH! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I will give shots if you need me! :)
